May 25, 2014, Another Day That Will Live In Infamy In Phils History

After yesterday’s display of near perfect futility I have decided to open the site for your ideas and comments.

One thought on “May 25, 2014, Another Day That Will Live In Infamy In Phils History

  1. Love the concept of this site. I’ve been a Phillies fan for over 50 years, so I’ve seen it all. It’s been utterly exasperating to loyally stick by a team so long, finally reach respectability, then see it come crashing down in a few short years due to the terrible personnel moves by RA which have been so well documented on this and other Philly sites. Sadly, I am ready to boycott them until RA is removed. I will follow the Orioles or some team worth investing my time and money. I even switched from Comcast to Verizon so as to not contribute to this ongoing trainwreck under Amaro.

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